All Seafood, Indian Restaurants, Restaurants and Museums with Takeout, Delivery, In-Person Visits and Curbside Pickup near Capitol Hill, North End and First Hill
Showing locations near 98101


This colorful Indian fusion bar and restaurant aims to bring an Indian influence to the happy hour scene, with cocktails and bites like apricot chicken seekh k…
1100 Pike St
Capitol Hill

Taylor Shellfish Farms Oyster Bar

The good people here aim to provide you with the freshest oysters, clams, mussels, geoducks, and scallops, brought to Seattle throughout the week directly from…
1521 Melrose Ave
Capitol Hill

Bombay Burger

This Indian-inspired burger spot has opened in the former space of Pho Huy on Capitol Hill. Since cows are considered sacred in Indian culture, the m…

1420 E Madison Street
Capitol Hill

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