All Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus Restaurants, Bars and Craft Stores with Delivery, Covered Patio Seating, Heated Patio Seating, Gluten-Free Friendly and Takeout near Columbia City, Eastlake, Hillman City, Beacon Hill, Mount Baker and Rainier Valley
Showing locations near 98101

Haymaker East

Like Clevenger's other restaurants, Haymaker features a mix of handmade pasta and local seafood and vegetables, but it also adds some more typical American dis…
1823 Eastlake Avenue E


This Beacon Hill place that can contain children and also has a cocktail lounge for grown-ups. The Oak's beer comes from local breweries; its menu focuses on o…
3019 Beacon Ave S
Beacon Hill

Sushi Kappo Tamura

Sushi Kappo Tamura owner/sushi chef Taichi Kitamura emphasizes sustainable fish. The sushi is among the best in town. Commensurately, the prices are on the hig…
2968 Eastlake Ave E

La Medusa

La Medusa's authentic "Sicilian soul food," made with lots of local/seasonal ingredients, makes it an upmarket Columbia City favorite.
4857 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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