Recommended Bars & Restaurants with In-Person Visits near Eastlake, First Hill and Capitol Hill

Frye Art Museum

For decades, the Frye, founded in the early 20th century by a Seattle meat-packing family, was a sleepy place full of gilt frames and orthopedic shoes. In rece…
704 Terry Ave
First Hill

The Raygun Lounge

Brought to you by Gamma Ray Games, the Raygun Lounge provides a space to geek out and drink beer with fellow geeks, whether your vice is DnD, Magic, “gayming,”…
501 E Pine St
Capitol Hill


With its high ceilings and mirrored bar, Havana is airy and elegant, and serves mojitos for as long as you want them. Every night has a different DJ, usually a…
1010 E Pike St
Capitol Hill
(206) 323-CUBA

Ada's Technical Books

This beautiful, smart, science-obsessed bookshop—where Horizon Books used to be on Capitol Hill's 15th Avenue East—sells technical electronic manuals, computer…
425 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

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