Recommended Cocktail Lounge near West Queen Anne, Phinney Ridge, East Queen Anne and Greenwood
2123 Queen Anne Ave N
West Queen Anne

Tin Hat

The Tin Hat's only goal is to achieve the status of platonic ideal for a certain type of bar-ness—and that it does, exceedingly well. Hot dogs are always $1. G…
512 NW 65th St
Phinney Ridge

Mai Thaiku

Good Thai food abounds in Seattle, but Phinney Ridge’s Mai Thaiku leads the charge to greatness. While the kitchen dabbles expertly in popular favorites like p…
6705 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Oliver's Twist

The food here is made in a tiny kitchen, and the plates are small, but the flavors are big with duck fat, anchovy butter, and various vinaigrettes. The garlic …
6822 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

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