All Brewery near South Lake Union, Arbor Heights, White Center, Georgetown, South Park, West Seattle and SoDo
Temporarily Closed

Seapine Brewing Company

In 2015, Seapine Brewing moved from its original 750-square-foot space on the east side of Sodo to a 6,000-square-foot operation on the western edge of the nei…
2959 Utah Ave S

Jellyfish Brewing Company

This craft brewery and tasting room with over 14 beers on tap is owned by Tom Stevens (previously of Big Time Brewery and Alehouse) and Mark Burr (also previou…
917 S Nebraska St

Great Notion Georgetown

The award-winning Portland-based brewery Great Notion, known for its hazy IPAs, sour beers, and playfully designed 16-oz. cans, has opened an outpost in George…
6235 Airport Way S Suite 102

Counterbalance Brewing

Counterbalance, started by two former home brewers who met while working at local coffee company Caffe Ladro, is pouring beers in their Georgetown taproom made…
503 South Michigan St, Ste B

Future Primitive Brewing

This new brewery, a collaboration between Seattle craft beer scene veterans Dean Hudgins and Ian Roberts (owners of the Pine Box) and Michael Baker, Kevin Wats…
9832 14th Ave SW
White Center

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