All Bakery & Halal Restaurants near Downtown Seattle


After searching far and wide for something to sate her sweet tooth for five years after going gluten-free and finding nothing that fit the bill, celiac baker R…

Downtown Seattle

Biscuit Box

Danielle Custer, formerly of grilled-cheese truck Monte Cristo (and, long ago, head chef at the great 727 Pine), now has her new truck, Biscuit Box, out on the…
Across town
Downtown Seattle

314 Pie

314 Pie is a food truck that serves Aussie-style 5-inch savory/meat pies, plus a few dessert pies, made by two guys who aren’t Australian. They’ve got steak an…

Downtown Seattle
Temporarily Closed

Mighty-O Donuts

People love Mighty-O's certified organic, preservative-free, zero-trans-fat, un-artificially-colored-or-flavored, cholesterol-free vegan doughnuts. (If you wan…
1000 Second Avenue
Downtown Seattle

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