All Kosher & Bakery Restaurants with Preorders near Seattle

Downtown Dog Lounge Bakery

Much to the perturbation of pie lovers and to the delight of pet owners, the Downtown Dog Lounge Bakery, a dog treat bakery from the dog grooming and daycare c…
3515 Fremont Ave N Suite B


Giant, cloudlike biscuits are Morsel’s specialty; their “Cheesy Biscuit” with roasted tomato jam is what garlic bread wishes it could be. And their cappuccino,…
4754 University Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale was started in 2003 in Seattle as the first cupcake bakery and cafe outside of New York City, and has since expanded from the original Capitol H…
4556 California Ave SW

Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale was started in 2003 in Seattle as the first cupcake bakery and cafe outside of New York City, and has since expanded from the original Capitol H…
2052 NW Market St

Good Day Donuts

Former Vendemmia head chef Erik Jackson and wife Alison Odowski's new neighborhood doughnut shop Good Day Donuts is now open, in the former space of erstwhile …
9823 15th Ave SW
White Center

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