All Bakery Restaurants with Breakfast Brunch, Breakfast/Brunch and Delivery near Arbor Heights, West Seattle, Wallingford, White Center and Green Lake
2123 N 40th St

Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe

Eltana’s bagels are hand-rolled for chewy deliciousness, wood-fired for more handsomeness, and smaller than most, along the lines of the bagels found in Montre…
3920 Stone Way N

Trophy Cupcakes

Trophy amps up the cupcake indulgence factor by piling on lots of tasty frosting and offering a variety of flavors (rotating every day of the week and every se…
1815 N 45th St, Suite 209

Grand Central Baking Company

Grand Central has been making high-quality, yummy bread and baked goods for a long, long time, and comes with a presidential seal of approval: Obama ate a turk…
1601 N. 45th St.

3.14 Bakery

Located in a former kickboxing studio, 3.14 Bakery serves as many baked goods as there are digits in pi. Try a button—their take on the muffin top, serve…
9602 16th Ave SW
White Center

Salvadorean Bakery & Restaurant

You’ll need to studiously avoid the two heaving pastry cases on either side of you as you order your meal at the counter of this White Center bakery. Focus! Be…
1719 SW Roxbury St
White Center

Good Day Donuts

Former Vendemmia head chef Erik Jackson and wife Alison Odowski's new neighborhood doughnut shop Good Day Donuts is now open, in the former space of erstwhile …
9823 15th Ave SW
White Center

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