All Cafe & Spanish Restaurants with Gluten-Free Friendly & Outdoor Dining near Crown Hill, Central District and Ballard

Central Cafe and Juice Bar

This eco-conscious cafe features espresso, fresh-pressed juices, smoothies, teas, pastries, and grab-and-go deli items like wraps and sandwiches. The cafe's we…
2509 East Cherry
Central District

Cafe Weekend

This Central District cafe serves coffee and espresso drinks, pastries, and candy. Seattle-based confectionary Tokara supplies Cafe Weekend with a selection of…
851 Hiawatha Place S
Central District


Bottlehouse is a wine bar and “shoppe” located upstairs from Madrona’s urban winery, Wilridge (which makes special Bottlehouse blends). The motto: “Dwell, Drin…
1416 34th Ave
Central District

Meet the Moon

From the Heavy Restaurant Group, owners of downtown's Purple wine bar and Capitol Hill's Barrio, is Meet the Moon, a neighborhood spot in the heart of Leschi s…
120 Lakeside Ave S
Central District

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
2821 NW Market

Ristorante Picolinos

Picolinos invites you "to enjoy and experience authentic Italian food in the warmth and comfort of the restaurant." They also have a lot of Italian wine, a lar…
6415 32nd Ave NW

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