All Dessert Restaurants with Outdoor Dining, Delivery and Dine-In near Interbay, Capitol Hill, Madison Park, Magnolia and First Hill
Showing locations near 98101

Sugar Bakery & Cafe

Created by Stephanie Crocker (no relation to Betty) and her husband, John McCaig, Sugar Bakery makes cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, coffee, soups, and sammies…
1014 Madison St
First Hill

Caffe Vita

Since its 1995 conception, Caffe Vita has grown from its single Queen Anne location to nine cafes throughout the Pacific Northwest. All roasts are made in hous…
1005 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery

Autumn Martin, former Canlis pastry chef and Theo head chocolatier (and fourth-generation Washingtonian), makes all-organic desserts from carefully sourced, lo…
1650 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Victrola Coffee & Art

Coffee shop that occasionally hosts art shows and always has a selection of local art on the walls to create a more intimate environment.
411 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Macrina Cafe and Bakery

Macrina Bakery has opened their fifth location in the former space of the Tully's on Aloha and 19th. Macrina founder Leslie Mackie says that the new space will…
746 19th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Scoop Du Jour Ice Creamery

Scoop du Jour, which has a long history in the Madison Park neighborhood, serves brightly colored local sherberts and ice creams, as well as lunch fare like bu…
4029 E Madison St
Madison Park

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