All Filipino & Halal Restaurants with Covered Patio Seating, Outdoor Dining and Good for Groups near Seattle


If you've stood in line at one of her pop-ups, seen the growing number of accolades she's earned, or watched her walk chef Marcus Samuelsson through the Seattl…
2524 Beacon Ave S
North Beacon Hill

Persepolis Grill

Persepolis on the Ave is named after the capital city of the ancient Achaemenid empire. Its Persian/middle eastern food gets mixed reviews.
5517 University Way
Northeast Seattle
6538 4th Ave S
Greater Duwamish


Tom Douglas alum Brian Madayag has opened a Pacific Island seafood-focused getaway in Edmonds, with tropical tiki cocktails and frosty adult slushies to comple…
622 5th Ave S
The Bowl of Edmonds
(425) 670-2222

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