All Pub Grub, Ice Cream and Halal Restaurants with Asian Ownership near Seattle

Quinn's Pub

The people behind Restaurant Zoe created this Capitol Hill gastropub, offering (relatively) affordable, prettied-up versions of country foods people have been …
1001 E Pike St

Moto Pizza

Chef Lee Kindell runs this pizzeria serving naturally fermented Detroit-style pies, made with a trusty 100-year-old sourdough starter. For dessert, there's hou…

3131 Western Ave

Donut Factory

Lynnwood's popular Donut Factory, which is known for its confections like donuts, cake, ice cream sandwiches, and other treats like the "crobar" (a croissant-d…
4336 Roosevelt Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Moto Pizza

Chef Lee Kindell runs this pizzeria serving naturally fermented Detroit-style pies, made with a trusty 100-year-old sourdough starter. For dessert, there's hou…

4526 42nd Ave SW
West Seattle

The Stonehouse Cafe

The Stone House Cafe occupies what used to be and old service station in Rainier Beach. It's been revived by a family of restaurant industry veterans into a ca…
9701 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Beach

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