All Latin American & Filipino Restaurants with In-Person Visits, Black Ownership and Heated Patio Seating near Seattle


If you've stood in line at one of her pop-ups, seen the growing number of accolades she's earned, or watched her walk chef Marcus Samuelsson through the Seattl…
2524 Beacon Ave S
North Beacon Hill


Mojito's full name is "Mojito: Latin American Food & Fun," and that's not far from the truth. It's not uncommon for the dining area to be transformed into a da…
7545 Lake City Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Don Lucho's

Seattle's first Peruvian food truck has locked down a brick-and-mortar location in the former space of Barbecue Smith. Guests can look forward to dishes like c…
7919 Roosevelt Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Lumpia World

Lumpia World, where customers are invited to "enjoy the love hand rolled in each lumpia," is both a traveling truck and a commercial kitchen where orders are a…
281 SW 41st Street, Bldg 13

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