All locations with Cover Charge & Livestreaming near Arbor Heights, Downtown Seattle, West Seattle, Pioneer Square and White Center
Showing locations near 98101

Downtown Seattle

Seattle Art Museum

Seattle's largest art museum was founded in the 1930s by a collector of Asian art. Today most of the Asian collection is housed at the Asian Art Museum in Volu…
1300 First Ave
Downtown Seattle

The Showbox

The Showbox is a great place to see a show, even when it's sold out. There's hardly a bad sight line in the house; it's got two bars; and the room has the clas…
1426 First Ave
Downtown Seattle


This is a massive two-tiered, three-room nightclub that features different music in every room, dim sum, and serious partying (like weekly-beer-pong-tournament…
111 Yesler Way
Pioneer Square

Central Saloon

This is Seattle's oldest bar, and it knows how to party.
207 First Ave S #1
Pioneer Square

Cowgirls Inc.

Cowgirls Inc. has a mechanical bull, but it's not really a country bar. The jukebox often blares rock standards, and normal everyday dudes populate the bar. Th…
421 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

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