All locations with Heated Patio Seating & Covered Patio Seating near Rainier Valley, Beacon Hill, Columbia City, Hillman City, Ballard, Mount Baker, Phinney Ridge, Greenwood, South Lake Union and Crown Hill
Showing locations near 98101

Ristorante Picolinos

Picolinos invites you "to enjoy and experience authentic Italian food in the warmth and comfort of the restaurant." They also have a lot of Italian wine, a lar…
6415 32nd Ave NW

Ray's Cafe

Ray's Boathouse's sibling is just upstairs, with a cheaper menu, bar, and great waterfront views.
6049 Seaview Ave NW
(206) 782-0094

Chuck's Hop Shop

The Greenwood cousin of the Central District Chuck's.
656 NW 85th St

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