All Cafe Restaurants with Delivery near Central District, Downtown Seattle and Pioneer Square
401 Union St Suite 201
Downtown Seattle

Homegrown Sustainable Sandwich Shop

We’ll let Homegrown speak for itself: “Our goal at Homegrown is not only to create sandwiches out of sustainable ingredients but also to make sandwich creation…
999 3rd Ave
Downtown Seattle

Batch Baking Company

This small-batch, dessert-focused bakery bakes up sweet palmiers, salted caramels, cookies, brownies, and their own take on nostalgic classics like Oreos Nutte…
808 12th Ave
Central District

Cone & Steiner

This market specializes in local foods, flowers, coffee, kombucha, and beer. You can hang out on their stoop with something tasty to go.
135 S King St
Pioneer Square

Broadcast Coffee

Independent coffee roaster with locations in Roosevelt and the Central District.
1918 E Yesler Way
Central District

Central Cafe and Juice Bar

This eco-conscious cafe features espresso, fresh-pressed juices, smoothies, teas, pastries, and grab-and-go deli items like wraps and sandwiches. The cafe's we…
2509 East Cherry
Central District

Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale was started in 2003 in Seattle as the first cupcake bakery and cafe outside of New York City, and has since expanded from the original Capitol H…
1101 34th Ave
Central District

Meet the Moon

From the Heavy Restaurant Group, owners of downtown's Purple wine bar and Capitol Hill's Barrio, is Meet the Moon, a neighborhood spot in the heart of Leschi s…
120 Lakeside Ave S
Central District

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