Recommended locations with Dog Friendly near Wallingford & Green Lake

Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria

The five Tutta Bellas (Tuttas Bella?) specialize in certified Neapolitan pies: thin-’n’-blistery crust made with fresh ingredients, from the hammy prosciutto e…
4411 Stone Way N

Dick's Drive-In Restaurant

Dick’s is an old-school drive-in burger joint, open late and super cheap. The burgers are flat and, to be honest, sometimes a tiny bit gristly, and the fries a…
111 NE 45th St

Chocolati Cafe

Chocolati makes chocolates in all different shapes and sizes, including some adorable ones shaped like animals. It’s almost a shame to eat them. Also: really g…
1716 N 45th St

Chocolati Cafe

Chocolati makes chocolates in all different shapes and sizes, including some adorable ones shaped like animals. It’s almost a shame to eat them. Also: really g…
7810 E Greenlake Dr N
Green Lake

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