All locations with Featured Happy Hour near Wallingford, Magnolia, Pioneer Square, Downtown Seattle, Interbay and Green Lake

Smith Tower

Observe the observation deck on the 35th floor of the Smith Tower, once the tallest structure west of the Mississippi River. (PRO TIP: It is rumored that the p…
506 Second Ave
Pioneer Square

Cowgirls Inc.

Cowgirls Inc. has a mechanical bull, but it's not really a country bar. The jukebox often blares rock standards, and normal everyday dudes populate the bar. Th…
421 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

Tsui Sushi Bar

This "modern, minimalist Japanese eatery" serves a menu of sushi and other dishes.
6421 Latona Ave NE
Green Lake

Latona Pub

This former dive has transformed itself into a friendly neighborhood pub boasting exclusively local brews and above-average bar food (nothing's fried). And dog…
6423 Latona Ave NE
Green Lake

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