All Steakhouse, Thai and Japanese Restaurants with Gluten-Free Friendly, Covered Patio Seating and Heated Patio Seating near Seattle

Tamari Bar

Suika owner Makato Kimoto opened up another izakaya place called Tamari Bar right down the street from Suika last February. The two pubs serve similar fare, bu…
500 E Pine St
Capitol Hill
(206) 979-8800

Japonessa Sushi Cocina

The restaurant that replaced Union downtown: Japonessa Sushi Cocina. The head chef: Billy Beach, formerly of Umi Sake House and Kushibar (the owner also runs i…
1400 First Ave
Pike Place Market

Bites of Bangkok

This new Thai restaurant from owners Jansri Parichat and Pranesh Sharma (bar manager at Jai Thai) in the former space of Olive Tree features Thai-style tapas, …
340 15th Ave E Ste 201


Richie-riches, businesspeople, and gourmands love this mid-century marvel of a restaurant with its amazing view of Lake Union. Chef Brady Williams balances cla…
2576 Aurora Ave N
East Queen Anne

Ramen Ramen

This new ramen pop-up from Sam Choy’s Poke to the Max cofounder Max Heigh is operated out of a food truck in the parking lot of the Hawaiian restaurant's Raini…
5300 Rainier Ave S
Hillman City

Moshi Moshi Sushi

Moshi Moshi’s salient feature is the Tree, a two-story-high artificial cherry tree with LED-illuminated blossoms. It would be especially amazing if you were st…
5324 Ballard Ave NW
(206) 971-7424

Maza Grill

This halal steakhouse/Pakistani restaurant hybrid serves steaks, burgers, and Pakistani cuisine made with dry-aged, hand-cut halal meats.
21000 108th Ave SE

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