Recommended Barbecue & Middle Eastern Restaurants with In-Person Visits, Outdoor Dining and Dine-In near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Corvus & Co.

Amid dark wood and scarlet curtains, bartenders at Corvus & Co. mix cocktails with names like “blackbird,” “wolf whistle,” and “antivenom.” (Corvus is the gen…
601 Broadway E


This highly anticipated restaurant from former Sitka and Spruce chef Logan Cox features a Mediterranean- and Middle Eastern-inspired wood-fired menu, with gril…
3013 Beacon Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Aladdin's Gyro-cery and Deli

Aladdin Gyrocery’s falafel and gyro sandwiches are perfect student food: cheap, fast, filling, portable. That the gyros happen to be delicious is an adde…

4143 University Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Bitterroot BBQ

Bitterroot, in the old Acme Rubber Stamp Shop on the corner by Hattie’s Hat, uses an in-house smoker and picturesque stacks of applewood to very good effect, e…
5239 Ballard Ave NW

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