All Weed Locations & Restaurants with Takeout, Delivery and Curbside Pickup near Bitter Lake

La Cabaña

La Cabaña, despite its website’s claim to be in “the heart of Fremont,” sits between Aurora and Greenwood at 105th, in a weird non-neighborhood, next to an old…
606 N 105th St
Bitter Lake
(206) 420-7693

Rickshaw Restaurant and Lounge

A longtime favorite loungy dive in Greenwood, the Rickshaw features excellent nightly karaoke (beginning at 9 o'clock), a Monday-night tarot specialist (6 to 9…
322 N 105th St
Bitter Lake

Fweedom Cannabis

Stepping inside of Fweedom Cannabis feels confusing at first: Where's the store, dude? The wraparound beige couch, fish tank, and scattered magazines on a coff…
12001 Aurora Ave N
Bitter Lake

Seattle Tonics

It's hard to not see the giant 21+ MARIJUANA sign beckoning you from the highway into Seattle Tonics. This sign makes it easy to miss the RAD mural of Jimi Hen…
12059 Aurora Ave N
Bitter Lake

125th Street Grill

They say: "Welcome to Robb’s 125th Street Grill! Locally owned since 1996, The Grill offers the perfect family and casual dining experience. Our goal is to ope…
12255 Aurora Ave N
Bitter Lake
14314 Greenwood Avenue North Unit 2
Bitter Lake

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