All Filipino, Caribbean and Diner Restaurants near Greater Duwamish

Despi Delite Bakery

For Seattleites craving freshly baked ensaymada and pan de sal, there are two options: trek down to Red Ribbon in Tukwila or stop by Despi Delite Bakery, servi…
2701 15th Avenue S
Greater Duwamish

Ravenleaf Food Truck

From Raven Hospitality Group (the same folks who own Ravenna's Ravenleaf Public House) comes a food truck bearing a similar name. The Ravenleaf Food Truck serv…
Greater Duwamish

Fou Lee Market

This grocery is, for me, the heart of Beacon Hill. It’s compact, always busy, cheap, and has a terrific deli that offers a variety of popular Filipino dishes a…
2050 S Columbian Way
Greater Duwamish

The Square Knot Diner

The Square Knot, sister and neighbor of Georgetown dive bar the 9 Lb. Hammer, provides American diner food, and it is everything a diner should be: utilitarian…
6015 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish

Smarty Pants

A vast array of hot sandwiches—every damn one of 'em available vegetarian-style with homemade field roast—served up in a charmingly funky space. Also, Frito pi…
6017 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish
6538 4th Ave S
Greater Duwamish

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