All Malaysian, Pub Grub and African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants near Greater Duwamish

Perihelion Brewery

Beacon Hill’s first brewery, with 12 taps of rotating beer, cider, and mead, specializes in Belgian ales, including saisons brewed with fruit. The menu of “Nor…
2800 16th Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Tippe and Drague Alehouse

Our friend Brad says this pub has a fine beer selection and is “a good little place.”
3315 Beacon Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Georgetown Liquor Company

Georgetown Liquor Company doesn’t actually make booze, but it’s a neighborhood favorite for drinks as well as high-minded vegetarian pub grub (creative salads,…
5501 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish

Marco Polo

The Marco Polo is an awesome dive—it’s got pull tabs, one indoor fire pit, 13 televisions, two pinball machines, two pool tables, and a full-size race car. It’…
5613 Fourth Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Smarty Pants

A vast array of hot sandwiches—every damn one of 'em available vegetarian-style with homemade field roast—served up in a charmingly funky space. Also, Frito pi…
6017 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish

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