All Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus Restaurants near Greater Duwamish & Eastside

Perihelion Brewery

Beacon Hill’s first brewery, with 12 taps of rotating beer, cider, and mead, specializes in Belgian ales, including saisons brewed with fruit. The menu of “Nor…
2800 16th Ave S
Greater Duwamish


This highly anticipated restaurant from former Sitka and Spruce chef Logan Cox features a Mediterranean- and Middle Eastern-inspired wood-fired menu, with gril…
3013 Beacon Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Bar del Corso

This convivial neighborhood pizzeria is perpetually packed with Beacon Hill locals getting their wood-fired pizza fix. (If there’s a wait, avail yourself of on…
3057 Beacon Ave S
Greater Duwamish

The Essential Baking Company

Certified organic since before anyone knew what that meant, the Essential Baking Company makes yummy breads, pastries, and desserts.
5601 1st Ave S
Greater Duwamish

The Corson Building

While trains intermittently rumble past and small planes occasionally scream overhead, the Corson Building (c. 1910) sits behind its wisteria-and-rose-covered …
5609 Corson Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Molly's Salads

This cafe (with locations in the University District and Georgetown) serves organic lunch fare, including salads, sandwiches and Stumptown coffee.
5701 Sixth Ave S
Greater Duwamish

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