Recommended Japanese Restaurants near Phinney Ridge, Greenwood and Olympic Hills

Modern Japanese Cuisine & Setsuko Pastry

With just three tables and a simple menu, this Phinney Ridge Japanese restaurant turns understatement into art. While the udon soup makes for a lovely lunch an…
6108 Phinney Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Aloha Ramen

The brief menu at tiny Aloha Ramen is classic Japanese ramen-ya: noodles, fried rice, gyoza. Some dishes are tweaked island-style, like the deeply gratifying k…
8102 Greenwood Ave N

Toyoda Sushi

Toyoda is the hidden gem of Lake City; its existence is a well-kept secret, spread mostly by word of mouth. The fish is unbelievably fresh and creamy: For whol…
12543 Lake City Way NE
Olympic Hills

Aloha Ramen

Formerly in Greenwood, Aloha Ramen has a classic Japanese ramen-ya menu: noodles, fried rice, gyoza. Some dishes are tweaked island-style, like the deeply grat…
3004 NE 127th St
Olympic Hills

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