All Bakery, Diner and African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants near Pike Pine Retail Core
1303 Sixth Ave
Pike Pine Retail Core

Wild Rye Cafe Bakery

The pastry chef at Wild Rye, Alex Shroff, used to be the pastry chef at the Herbfarm. The bakery serves light breakfast and lunch items—muffins, quiche, sandwi…
806 Pike St
Pike Pine Retail Core

Trophy Cupcakes

Trophy amps up the cupcake indulgence factor by piling on lots of tasty frosting and offering a variety of flavors (rotating every day of the week and every se…
600 Pine Street
Pike Pine Retail Core

Pane Pane

Pane Pane makes weirdly cheap sandwiches downtown using cured meat, sauces, and bread all made in-house. If they're not quite as "gourmet" as billed, they're s…
304 Union St
Pike Pine Retail Core

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