All Bars & Craft Stores with Heated Patio Seating, Delivery, Covered Patio Seating, Takeout and In-Person Visits near Ravenna, Roosevelt, Rainier Beach, University District, Maple Leaf, Sand Point and Wedgwood
Showing locations near 98101
5240 University Way NE
University District

The Maple

Formerly known as the Maple Bar and now re-opened under new ownership, this cozy, charming little pub is run by Katy Haima and British identical twins Alex Bli…
8929 Roosevelt Way NE
Maple Leaf


This craft store also offers classes in stitching, wirework, embossing, and other specialized jewelry-making skills.
9524 Roosevelt Way NE
Maple Leaf

Jude's Old Town

Named after co-owner Beau Hebert's mother Judi, this cozy, family-friendly neighborhood bar offers comfort food like poutine, mac and cheese, fried Beecher's c…
9252 57th Ave S
Rainier Beach

The Stonehouse Cafe

The Stone House Cafe occupies what used to be and old service station in Rainier Beach. It's been revived by a family of restaurant industry veterans into a ca…
9701 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Beach

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