All Pub Grub & Korean Restaurants with Curbside Pickup, Takeout and Delivery near White Center, Arbor Heights, West Seattle and Rainier Beach
Showing locations near 98101

ANJU Bar and Eatery

This bar, whose name refers to "food eaten with alcohol" or "bar food," focuses on Korean drinking food like kimchi quesadillas or chicken wings alongside drin…
9641 15th Ave SW
White Center

Bok a Bok

If you are familiar with White Center, you know Bok Bok—a chicken-centric Korean place located there—has gotta serve some pretty fine fare to get people to mak…
1521 SW 98th St, Suite D
White Center

Endolyne Joe's

A can't-miss "Eat at Joe's" neon sign leads to you the West Seattle outpost of Chow Foods (5 Spot, Hi-Life), with the restaurant group's usual rotating regiona…
9261 45th Ave SW
West Seattle

Jude's Old Town

Named after co-owner Beau Hebert's mother Judi, this cozy, family-friendly neighborhood bar offers comfort food like poutine, mac and cheese, fried Beecher's c…
9252 57th Ave S
Rainier Beach

The Stonehouse Cafe

The Stone House Cafe occupies what used to be and old service station in Rainier Beach. It's been revived by a family of restaurant industry veterans into a ca…
9701 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Beach

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