All Pub Grub Restaurants near Eastlake, Interbay, Magnolia and Rainier Valley

Eastlake Bar and Grill

Once you're ensconced on the Eastlake Bar and Grill's deck, gazing out upon sparkly Lake Union with a happy-hour beverage at hand, you might begin to feel like…
2947 Eastlake Ave E

Sebi's Bistro

Whenever we’re in need of the hug only Eastern European food provides, we hightail it over to Sebi’s in Eastlake, which never disappoints with its lightly butt…
3242 Eastlake Ave E

Highliner Pub and Grill at Fisherman's Terminal

The divey Highliner Tavern got a makeover (courtesy of neighboring Wild Salmon Seafood Market, according to Eater Seattle), and now it is this.
3909 18th Ave W
(206) 216-1254

Rookies Sports Bar and Grill

Chill, family-friendly Rookies (that’s several Rookies, no apostrophe, not the possession of a person named Rookie) in Columbia City has a little of ever…

3820 S Ferdinand St
Rainier Valley

Columbia City Ale House

Wedged in that commerce-dense stretch of Rainier that functions as Columbia City’s de facto downtown, Columbia City Ale House is a ridiculously lovable brew pu…
4914 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Hummingbird Saloon

Right near Full Tilt in Columbia City, the Hummingbird Saloon specializes in Cornish pasties (YUM). The name reportedly came from the owner admiringly watching…
5041 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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