All Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants near Capitol Hill, Downtown Seattle, Hillman City, Pioneer Square, Columbia City, Mount Baker, Beacon Hill, Rainier Valley, South Delridge and First Hill
Showing locations near 98101

Jujubeet South Lake Union

The local chain JujuBeet offers fresh juices, cleanses, and vegetarian + vegan food.
1091 Boren Ave
First Hill

I Love My GFF

This food cart serves entirely gluten-free quinoa bowls, with or without free-range chicken. Also—GF chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It’s usually parked in…

Downtown Seattle
Temporarily Closed

Mighty-O Donuts

People love Mighty-O's certified organic, preservative-free, zero-trans-fat, un-artificially-colored-or-flavored, cholesterol-free vegan doughnuts. (If you wan…
1000 Second Avenue
Downtown Seattle

Frankie & Jo's

Located within The Stranger's coveted two-block radius, Frankie & Jo's offers 10 different variations of plant-based ice cream, plus one sorbet (Beet Strawberr…
1010 E Union St
Capitol Hill

Plum Bistro

Plum Bistro is a pleasantly upscale, 100 percent vegan restaurant. Even for a lifelong vegetarian, a visit to Plum can feel like a taste-test in a laboratory o…
1429 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

The Flora Bakehouse

The longtime vegetarian haven Cafe Flora has at last debuted its much-anticipated sibling bakery, the Flora Bakehouse, in the space of its former production fa…
1511 S Lucile St
Beacon Hill

Paris Bakery and Deli

Paris Bakery and Deli is, contrary to what you'd expect, a banh mi joint in Columbia City that bakes its own baguettes in-house (and is rumored to provide them…
5020 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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