All Steakhouse & Burgers Restaurants near Magnolia, Interbay, North Seattle, South Delridge and Laurelhurst

Red Mill Burgers

Justly famous for the gigantic, aromatic heaps of freshly fried bacon that await crisscrossing on the burgers at each location, family-owned Red Mill isn’t gou…
1613 W Dravus St

Highliner Pub and Grill at Fisherman's Terminal

The divey Highliner Tavern got a makeover (courtesy of neighboring Wild Salmon Seafood Market, according to Eater Seattle), and now it is this.
3909 18th Ave W
(206) 216-1254

Boss Drive-In

Owners Brian Azzano and Ryan Hopkins "spent the past year analyzing the constructs of the perfect burger" for their walk-up-only spot in West Seattle (they're …
9061 Delridge Way SW
South Delridge

Young's Restaurant

Tucked away just off the main strip of White Center's historic business district is Young's Restaurant, one of the area's standout staples. The restaurant is p…
9413 16th Ave SW
South Delridge

Dick's Drive-In Restaurant

Dick’s is an old-school drive-in burger joint, open late and super cheap. The burgers are flat and, to be honest, sometimes a tiny bit gristly, and the fries a…
12325 30th Ave NE
North Seattle

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