All Pub Grub Restaurants with Outdoor Dining near West Woodland, Crown Hill and Ballard

Brimmer & Heeltap

The name Brimmer & Heeltap refers to a proper pour: When full, it's a “brimmer,” and at the end, only a “heeltap” is left. B&H is where the late, great Le Gour…
425 NW Market St
West Woodland

Hattie's Hat

With stiff drinks and good food, Hattie’s is one of Ballard’s most beloved dives. The all-American menu has everything from classic burgers with sweet-potato f…
5231 Ballard Ave NW

King's Hardware

This western-style bar, brother to Capitol Hill's beloved Linda's Tavern, is a good place to share a pitcher, but be warned that it's almost always crowded. Wh…
5225 Ballard Ave NW

Waterwheel Lounge

The Waterwheel has wood-veneer paneling and a low ceiling; it is pleasantly dim, and the wall-to-wall carpet crawls up the sides of the central horseshoe bar. …
7034 15th Ave NW

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