All Vietnamese & Latin American Restaurants near Yesler Terrace

Tamarind Tree

Despite its large size, International District’s Tamarind Tree has a cozy, romantic atmosphere. It’s good for date nights, friend nights, and birthday parties.…
1036 S Jackson St, Suite A
Yesler Terrace

Vietnam House

Next door to Tamarind Tree is a more casual, family-friendly spot that’s serving up some of the best authentic, no-fuss Vietnamese cuisine in the city. It’s co…
1038 S Jackson St
Yesler Terrace
(206) 325-0180

Dong Thap Noodles

In a city already filled with excellent bowls of highly affordable pho and bún, Dong Thap distinguishes itself with its rice noodles, which are made daily at t…
303 12th Ave S, Ste A
Yesler Terrace

New Saigon Deli

Jellies, coconuts, and other miscellaneous rotate in a motorized display case; you can pick up a bag of PAGODA young nuts (their slogan: "Younger nuts are bett…
1034 S Jackson St
Yesler Terrace

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