Achiote Pork Nachos

This event is in the past
Multiple dates through July 17, 2022, 12 pm
Ecliptic Brewing Boise (Portland)
This is an in-person event

What's on it?: House-made corn chips, achiote grilled pork, tomato and green chili cheese sauce, pickled jalapeño, avocado cream (dairy)

The Inspiration: Inspired by a friend’s potluck nacho mainstay, with the addition of grilled pork in a red chili-achiote adobo sauce. The avocado cream is just bright enough to cut the richness of the cheese sauce, and spice comes from pickled jalapeños.

Address/Hours of Availability: 825 N Cook St / Sun–Thurs 12-8 pm, Fri–Sat 12–10 pm

The Fine Print!

Allow Minors? Yes
Allow Takeout? No
Allow Delivery? No
Purchase Limit? Yes – limit one per person
Meat or Vegetarian? Meat, can be made vegetarian

Event Location

Ecliptic Brewing

825 N Cook Portland, Oregon 97227 Venue website

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