Portland Rose Festival Dragon Boat Race

This event is in the past
Every day, through June 11, 8 am–5 pm
Tom McCall Waterfront Park Southwest Portland (Portland)
This is an in-person event
All Ages
Dragons get the zoomies, too: Since 1989, the Portland Rose Festival Dragon Boat Races have brought a thrilling Chinese tradition to Tom McCall Waterfront Park, where 45 teams will get set to compete again this year with ferocious, colorful boats provided by the longstanding Portland-Kaohsiung Sister City Association. (The Dragon Boat Festival has its roots in ancient China—think 278 BCE—and began when the virtuous advisor and "people's poet" Qu Yuan drowned, becoming a water spirit that needed to be appeased by divine, energetic dragons.) Catch the indisputably cool component of the Rose Festival from viewing spots on the shoreline. by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Tom McCall Waterfront Park

1400 SW Naito Pkwy. Portland, OR 97204 Venue website

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