The Pursuit of Happiness (or the Wacky Lesbian Adventures of Brillo Pad and Hula Hoop)

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Every Thursday–Sunday, through June 25
Reed College Southeast Portland (Portland)
This is an in-person event
Fuse Theatre Ensemble, a national leader in trans theater representation, will present a new meta-musical featuring characters across gender and sexuality spectrums. (Hint: if you loved American Girl or anything by local playwright Mikki Gillette, you'll dig this.) The Pursuit of Happiness (or the Wacky Lesbian Adventures of Brillo Pad and Hula Hoop) offers up an "absurd vortex" of nuclear bombs, transitioning pressures, and gender dysphoria, all set to a soundtrack of original earworms. The pay-what-ya-can performance was penned by Ernie Lijoi, winner of the Portland Drammy's Best Original Music Award in 2016, so sit back and enjoy the whirlwind of gender fuckery—you're in good hands. by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Reed College

3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, OR 97202 Venue website

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