Day In Day Out

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This event is in the past
Every day, through August 14
Fisher Pavilion Uptown (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
All Ages
DIDO's lineup looks like it was specifically engineered to capture a particular kind of millennial indie nostalgia. Headlining the fest are The National and Mitski, fresh off the release of her sixth album Laurel Hell and requesting people to get off their damn phones at her shows. Pepperoni Playboy and headliner Mac DeMarco will celebrate the TENTH anniversary of his albums Rock and Roll Nightclub and 2 during his set, which makes me feel old. Salad days no more, amirite? by Jas Keimig
Tickets will go on sale 03/03/22 10:00 AM PST

Event Location

Fisher Pavilion

305 Harrison St, Seattle Center Seattle, WA 98109 Venue website

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