All Weed Locations & Museums with In-Person Visits near Fremont, Capitol Hill and First Hill

Frye Art Museum

For decades, the Frye, founded in the early 20th century by a Seattle meat-packing family, was a sleepy place full of gilt frames and orthopedic shoes. In rece…
704 Terry Ave
First Hill

The Reef

In August 2018, the Bremerton pot shop opened a new branch in Capitol Hill's former Amante Pizza location. You can't miss the giant jellyfish mural painted out…
1525 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Ruckus Recreational

From December 2015 to October 2016, Ruckus was the only weed store on Capitol Hill. The space is tiny, but the aesthetics are on point: walls filled with paint…
1465 E Republican St
Capitol Hill

Seattle Asian Art Museum

The Seattle Asian Art Museum, in a gem of an Art Deco building that was erected in 1933 and that's located in bucolic Volunteer Park, reopened in February 2020…

Volunteer Park, 1400 E Prospect St
Capitol Hill


People just call it "Oz," but the completely pleasing, attractive, and well-designed pot shop in Fremont is actually called Oz., standing for "ounce." Sort of.…
3831 Stone Way N

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