All Grocery & Provisions near Interbay, Capitol Hill, First Hill and Magnolia

Amazon Go

Bezos' online shopping behemoth has opened a new location of its cashless grocery store in First Hill. After customers scan their phone upon entry, the items t…
1122 Madison Street
First Hill

Taylor Shellfish Farms Oyster Bar

The good people here aim to provide you with the freshest oysters, clams, mussels, geoducks, and scallops, brought to Seattle throughout the week directly from…
1521 Melrose Ave
Capitol Hill
517 E Pike St Ste C
Capitol Hill

Whole Foods Madison Broadway

The Capitol Hill location of the organic-focused supermarket behemoth features two floors of retail space, a full-service coffee bar, a bar called Stella Loung…
1001 Broadway
First Hill
233 Summit Ave East
Capitol Hill


The naturally-leavened sourdough pizza pop-up Blotto, which also published a limited zine full of quarantine recipes and stories under the same name and has pr…
1830 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

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