All Salads, Pub Grub, Taiwanese, Bakery and New American Restaurants with In-Person Visits near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Frye Art Museum

For decades, the Frye, founded in the early 20th century by a Seattle meat-packing family, was a sleepy place full of gilt frames and orthopedic shoes. In rece…
704 Terry Ave
First Hill


Come to Garage for bowling and billiards (cheap during the daily happy hour) in a pretty, late 1920s setting with unusual and above-average pub food that inclu…
1130 Broadway

Mox Boarding House

Mox is more than 7,000 square feet of gaming paradise (their description, not ours), and Cafe Mox is the attached bar and cafe, with sandwiches (mini grilled c…

5105 Leary Ave

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