Recommended Chinese Restaurants with Good for Groups & In-Person Visits near Chinatown-International District

Harbor City

If the line is too long at Jade Garden, mosey over to Harbor City, where the dim sum staples are more or less exactly the same. When the servers roll those ste…
707 S King St
Chinatown-International District
(206) 621-2228

663 Bistro

663 Bistro might not have a perfect health department record, but many Seattleites, including chef Tom Douglas, love the authentic Cantonese fare, especially t…
663 S Weller St
Chinatown-International District

Szechuan Noodle Bowl

A brightly lit, no-nonsense source of fabulous Sino-starch, the Bowl specializes in all things doughy, from bowls of ropy noodles to hand-pleated gyoza to scal…
420 Eighth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Hue Ky Mi Gia

Hue Ky Mi Gia’s fried butter chicken wings have been talked up so much that it’s hard not be skeptical of such praise—the restaurant now has three booths in Ce…
1207 S Jackson St, Suite 101
Chinatown-International District

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