Recommended Deli/Sandwiches Restaurants with Gift Cards near Seattle

Ada's Technical Books

This beautiful, smart, science-obsessed bookshop—where Horizon Books used to be on Capitol Hill's 15th Avenue East—sells technical electronic manuals, computer…
425 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe

Eltana’s bagels are hand-rolled for chewy deliciousness, wood-fired for more handsomeness, and smaller than most, along the lines of the bagels found in Montre…
3920 Stone Way N

Wayward Vegan Cafe

A conglomeration of like-minded businesses created a small universe of high-functioning idealism in the U-District, and here those who abstain from animal prod…
801 NE 65th St Suite C
University District

Ristorante Picolinos

Picolinos invites you "to enjoy and experience authentic Italian food in the warmth and comfort of the restaurant." They also have a lot of Italian wine, a lar…
6415 32nd Ave NW

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