Recommended Pizza & Korean Restaurants near Northeast Seattle

Korean Tofu House

The University District is packed with cheap Korean jjigae restaurants, but the best is this generic-sounding basement restaurant a few steps off the Ave." He …

4142 Brooklyn Ave NE
Northeast Seattle

Snowy Village

This sweet shop chain brings Korean desserts like bingsoo (a Korean shaved ice treat) and French taiyaki (a croissant-inspired take on a fish-shaped cake that'…
5264 The Ave
Northeast Seattle

Duchess Tavern

This dive is swarming with college kids. They come for cheap beer and good times.
2827 NE 55th St
Northeast Seattle
(206) 527-8606
3426 NE 55th St
Northeast Seattle
206 582 1899

Fiddler's Inn

The Fiddler's Inn rocks the bluegrass, blues, and folk, and dishes out pizzas and plenty of microbrews and vintage wines.
9219 35th Ave NE
Northeast Seattle

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