All Eastern European/Polish/Russian, Ice Cream and Japanese Restaurants with Black Ownership & Covered Patio Seating near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Tamari Bar

Suika owner Makato Kimoto opened up another izakaya place called Tamari Bar right down the street from Suika last February. The two pubs serve similar fare, bu…
500 E Pine St
Capitol Hill
(206) 979-8800

Perihelion Brewery

Beacon Hill’s first brewery, with 12 taps of rotating beer, cider, and mead, specializes in Belgian ales, including saisons brewed with fruit. The menu of “Nor…
2800 16th Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Scoop Du Jour Ice Creamery

Scoop du Jour, which has a long history in the Madison Park neighborhood, serves brightly colored local sherberts and ice creams, as well as lunch fare like bu…
4029 E Madison St
Madison Park

Ramen Ramen

This new ramen pop-up from Sam Choy’s Poke to the Max cofounder Max Heigh is operated out of a food truck in the parking lot of the Hawaiian restaurant's Raini…
5300 Rainier Ave S
Hillman City

Salt and Schmaltz

Gravy owners Dre Neeley and Pepa Brower have opened another restaurant concept called Salt and Schmaltz in the same space. The menu features a variety of Easte…
17629 Vashon Hwy SW

Métier Brewing Company Taproom

This celebrated Black-owned brewery offers popular options like Métier Pale Ale, Coconut Porter, Horizon IPA, Pilsner Kolsch, and United IPA. The brewer…

2616 E Cherry
Central District

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