All Bakery & Korean Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near White Center, East Queen Anne, West Seattle, West Queen Anne and Arbor Heights
Showing locations near 98101

Fuji Bakery

Baker Taka Hirai spent three years at Joel Robuchon’s three-Michelin-starred restaurant in Tokyo before helping start Fuji Bakery in Seattle. He is no longer w…
1030 Elliott Ave W
West Queen Anne

Macrina Cafe and Bakery

Macrina is often cited as Seattle’s best bakery, and for good reason. Go see for yourself why over the weekend, when the Queen Anne location serves up a specia…
615 W McGraw St
West Queen Anne

Dough Joy

Plants and plant-based doughnuts, a match made in heaven: The popular vegan and LGBTQ-owned doughnut business Dough Joy, which also operates a brick-and-m…

4310 SW Oregon Street
West Seattle

Salvadorean Bakery & Restaurant

You’ll need to studiously avoid the two heaving pastry cases on either side of you as you order your meal at the counter of this White Center bakery. Focus! Be…
1719 SW Roxbury St
White Center

ANJU Bar and Eatery

This bar, whose name refers to "food eaten with alcohol" or "bar food," focuses on Korean drinking food like kimchi quesadillas or chicken wings alongside drin…
9641 15th Ave SW
White Center

Bok a Bok

If you are familiar with White Center, you know Bok Bok—a chicken-centric Korean place located there—has gotta serve some pretty fine fare to get people to mak…
1521 SW 98th St, Suite D
White Center

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