All Restaurants with Full Menu near Chinatown-International District

Maneki Restaurant

In its 100-plus years of existence, Maneki has only had one major interruption to business: when it shut down because the US government sent Japanese Americans…
304 Sixth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Green Leaf

There’s a reason this Vietnamese joint is usually packed, and that it has opened successful branches outside of its original International District location, i…
418 8th Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Bush Garden

The Japanese food at Bush Garden isn't anything special, but the place itself sure is. The foyer is the strangest in Seattle: Fantastical, dark, coiled tree br…
614 Maynard Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Gourmet Noodle Bowl

This Chinese/Taiwanese restaurant in the ID is less known for its bowls of noodles than for its all-you-can-eat hot pot.
707 Eighth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Humble Pie

Humble Pie feels like it was beamed via satellite from Portlandia—it's more of a pizza gathering space than a restaurant, with two attractively repurposed ship…
525 Rainier Ave S
Chinatown-International District

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