All Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants with Heated Patio Seating & Black Ownership near Seattle

Plum Bistro

Plum Bistro is a pleasantly upscale, 100 percent vegan restaurant. Even for a lifelong vegetarian, a visit to Plum can feel like a taste-test in a laboratory o…
1429 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

Plum Chopped

Chop't is the newest project from chef and owner Makini Howell, who is also behind Plum Bistro, Sugar Plum, Plum Pantry, Quickie Too, and the Plum Burgers food…
1429 12th Ave


Meskel stands out among the sea of Ethiopian restaurants with an atmosphere unlike any other—or rather, three atmospheres. In the main restaurant, on the upper…
2605 E Cherry St
Central District

Cafe Flora

Cafe Flora was born in 1991 of a utopian dream. It was to be—according to the harmonious views of three Madison Valley friends—the perfect restaurant: communit…
2901 E Madison St
Madison Valley

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