All Burgers & New American Restaurants with Livestreaming & Delivery near Arbor Heights, First Hill, Capitol Hill, White Center and West Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Terra Plata

From Tamara Murphy—former chef/owner of Brasa, organizer of Burning Beast,—Terra Plata’s menu is world-ranging deliciousness made with local/sustainable/etc. f…
1501 Melrose Ave
Capitol Hill

Frye Art Museum

For decades, the Frye, founded in the early 20th century by a Seattle meat-packing family, was a sleepy place full of gilt frames and orthopedic shoes. In rece…
704 Terry Ave
First Hill

Tavolàta (Capitol Hill)

The second location of Tavolàta, the popular Belltown restaurant from prolific restaurateurs Ethan and Angela Stowell, this one on Capitol Hill. The Stowells a…
501 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Li'l Woody's

Li’l Woody’s serves good burgers made with Painted Hills beef, with the basic model starting at less than $5 (and it serves them until 3 a.m. on Fridays and Sa…
1211 Pine St
Capitol Hill

Plum Bistro

Plum Bistro is a pleasantly upscale, 100 percent vegan restaurant. Even for a lifelong vegetarian, a visit to Plum can feel like a taste-test in a laboratory o…
1429 12th Ave
Capitol Hill
1221 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Skillet Capitol Hill

The Capitol Hill outpost of Skillet diner offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, each good. People go crazy for the gargantuan cinnamon roll, the "Serious Toast" …
1400 E Union St
Capitol Hill

Bombay Burger

This Indian-inspired burger spot has opened in the former space of Pho Huy on Capitol Hill. Since cows are considered sacred in Indian culture, the m…

1420 E Madison Street
Capitol Hill

Li'l Woody's White Center

Local burger chain Lil Woody's already has locations in Capitol Hill, Ballard and South Lake Union--and now it's expanded to White Center's Business District, …
9807 16th Ave SW
White Center

Endolyne Joe's

A can't-miss "Eat at Joe's" neon sign leads to you the West Seattle outpost of Chow Foods (5 Spot, Hi-Life), with the restaurant group's usual rotating regiona…
9261 45th Ave SW
West Seattle

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