All Taiwanese & African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants with Delivery, Takeout and Curbside Pickup near Beacon Hill, Chinatown-International District, Columbia City, Rainier Valley, Mount Baker and Hillman City
Showing locations near 98101

TP Tea

Customers at this popular Taiwanese milk tea chain can customize their drinks with different sweetness levels, ice levels, and add-ons, including tapioca pearl…
679 S King St
Chinatown-International District
3219 Martin Luther King Jr Way S
Rainier Valley

Safari Njema Restaurant

Chef Jane Kagira runs Safari Njema, serving food from across the continent in Kenya. Kagira works magic with the Indian-influenced spices woven into Kenya’s cu…
5041 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley
6014 Martin Luther King Jr Way S
Hillman City

Happy Lemon

This Taiwanese chain is known for its boba drinks and bubble waffles.

6014 Martin Luther King Jr Way S
Hillman City

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