All Deli/Sandwiches & Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus Restaurants near Laurelhurst, Madison Valley and North Seattle

Bar Cantinetta

In the spot where La Cote Creperie used to be in Madison Valley, it’s a smaller, drinky version of the very good, Tuscan-style Cantinetta in Wallingford and Be…
2811 E Madison St
Madison Valley

Harbour Pointe Coffeehouse

Harbour Pointe—the British/Canadian spelling of harbor and the French/ballet-shoe spelling of point, for no apparent reason—makes coffee using their own brande…
2818 E Madison St
Madison Valley

Cafe Flora

Cafe Flora was born in 1991 of a utopian dream. It was to be—according to the harmonious views of three Madison Valley friends—the perfect restaurant: communit…
2901 E Madison St
Madison Valley

Standard Bakery

Standard Bakery's Pinehurst shop--which operates out of a walk-up window--sells all the important food groups: fresh baked pastries, bread, bagels (weekends on…
11752 15th Ave NE
North Seattle

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